photo essay final draft

A picture containing indoor, person, little, child Description automatically generated There is a great importance in alternative learning. Alternative learning can be a critical steppingstone for many students who may be special needs or be gifted in a certain area. Not only can this encourage students to want to learn more, but it can also […]


My name is Nekole Seed as I came into this English 101 class, I did not consider myself to be an overall strong writer. I have taken college English courses before, and this was my second time taking English 101 at BCC to try and develop my skills further as a writer and to better […]

argument essay final draft

Everyday new ideas and advances in technology are welcomed with open arms. The way we live our day to day lives looks vastly different than life did 20 years ago. It brings up the question if everything around us changes why does the way we approach education stay the same? Times have changed but is […]

final draft memior

Every mother wishes the best for their child. From the moment you find out you are pregnant, to the day you are delivering your baby in the hospital. You dream of a good life for your baby. Alongside your partner the pair of you chose a name for your baby, while you imagine all the […]

essay 2 final draft

You have more than likely heard the term “our children are our future.” The children of today will become the lawyers, doctors, and even the presidents of tomorrow. It should be imperative that our children’s education is a top priority. What does it mean for a student to have a good education today? Is there […]